A great way to make your event or program special is to feature a guest presentation on a topic of particular interest to the audience. All TOUCHSTONE presentations and workshops are customized for the occasion, the audience and time frame. Click on the links below to read more about popular topics.
Fearless Conflict Management
Although we experience some level of conflict in virtually every significant relationship in our professional and personal lives, many people are uncomfortable confronting issues. Topics include:
The origins of individual conflict style
- Managing the stress associated with conflict
- Guidelines for managing conflict effectively
- A model for addressing a conflict.
inter.ACT: Effective Interpersonal Communication
The majority of communication that occurs in the workplace is interpersonal – face-to-face or over the telephone. Even e-mail and other forms of technology-enabled communication reflect the rules of interpersonal communication. Topics include:
- The challenge – and limitations – of clear communication
- The ABCs of verbal communication
- Clarifying nonverbal communication
- Effective listening skills.
Present with Impact!
NOTE: Program is conducted over multiple sessions.
The ability to present ideas, opinions and proposals – and oneself! – is highly valued in the business world. Studies show, however, that most people literally fear public speaking more than death itself! Topics include:
Catering to your audience
Effective and ineffective nonverbal presentation techniques
- Maximizing the message
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Coaching for Success
NOTE: Program is conducted over two sessions, no more than 2 weeks apart.
This program introduces a powerful, adaptable coaching model to help to identify coaching opportunities and employ effective coaching techniques. Topics include:
- The importance of coaching
- Identifying “coachable moments” with staff members
- Effective formal and informal coaching techniques.
Leading Through Vision
One of the most important responsibilities of any leader is to shape and communicate the vision to the organization. Quite simply, leaders are the drivers who define the destination and convince employees to come along for the ride. Topics include:
- Key elements of a compelling vision
- Creating a mission statement that supports the vision
- Aligning employee activities with the vision and mission.
Hire Right!
Effective interviewing and selection skills are critical for leaders, even in a down market. Program highlights legal, effective interview questions; conducting the employment interview; and using matrices to aid the decision-making process. Topics include:
- The costs of poor employment interviewing and hiring
- Key components of the employment interview process
- Effective interviewing techniques.
Leading Your Team and Knowing When to Follow
Nearly 90% of the work completed in organizations is a result of the efforts of multiple contributors, the ability to motivate and lead a work team is imperative for today’s manager. Topics include:
- The benefits and challenges of working with teams
- Signs and symptoms of poor team performance and dynamics
- Diagnosing team dynamics
- Developing an action plan for developing work team.
Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em
NOTE: Additional materials fee required.
Employees leave supervisors, not organizations. Based on the business best-seller, this program focuses on strategies for creating a work environment that values and respects the internal customer: your employees. Topics include:
- Why retention is a critical issue for leaders
- Tools for motivating and demonstrating the value of employees
- Developing an action plan to address department/unit retention priorities.
Supervisory Skills The “Personal” Power of Leadership
This program introduces front-line management skills for supervisors, coordinators, and team leads. Particularly valuable for individuals who are new to the supervisor role or making the transition from staff to management. Topics include:
- The internal/external changes and challenges faced by managers
- Factors that inhibit and aid effective time management
- Managing stress in the workplace
- The origins of and key influences on personal management styles
- Developing an action plan for self-development.
Thriving in Transition and Transformation
As the pace of life and work increases, so does the pace of change. Being able to understand the intellectual and emotional challenges of change allows us to survive – and even thrive! – in times of transition. Topics include:
- The organizational context for change
- Key roles in organizational transformation
- Effective strategies for implementing change initiatives
- Common reactions to change, including uncertainty and resistance
- Personal strategies for coping with change.
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Effective Goal Setting and Action Planning
Successful leaders have an obligation to define, articulate and implement goals – organizational goals, departmental goals and individual goals. Topics include:
- SMART criteria for effective goals
- The links between organizational, departmental and individual goals
- Techniques for developing goals with staff members
- Developing personal and professional short-term and long-term goals.
IT’S TIME FOR YOU! Managing Your Stress
NOTE: Program conducted over multiple sessions.
Recent studies show that one-fourth of employees indicate their jobs are the number one stressor in their lives, and three-fourths of employees believe today’s worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. Topics include:
- Utilizing a toolkit of selected stress-reduction techniques
- The factors that lead to unhealthy stress and job burnout
- Positive and negative strategies for managing stress
- Effective strategies for managing a targeted stressor.
Problem Solving Through Creativity and Innovation
Creativity is difficult to define and measure, but when applied in the workplace, it can lead to new and innovative practices. Program focuses on tools for generating ideas, solutions and creative thought and emphasizes ways to apply creativity to the job. Topics include:
- Factors that inhibit and stimulate creativity
- Utilizing tools and techniques for generating ideas
- Applying creativity in the workplace.
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